The FREE resource documents on this website, have been developed for ‘educational’ purposes.
Rating Guides (based on pro-liberty, pro-life and family values/ ethics) and other useful information, help Australian Federal, State and Territory Electors (Voters), to make their own informed choice when they vote.
No payment (or donation) has been received in developing these resources from any political party or candidate or an organisation or corporation etc.
The documents contained in this website may be downloaded and shared; but cannot be copied &/or altered or reproduced or ‘rebranded’ by any individuals, in any format, or with any political party matter etc., without the written prior permission from the original author, Sharon Cousins of ’Vote Wisely’.
The 'Vote Wisely' website and its documents, especially the various Rating Guides, are protected by copyright from 2022-2032 and are subject to copyright infringement.
The voting information produced on this ‘Vote Wisely’ website is for personal use for discerning Electors to ‘vote wisely’. YOUR VOTE. YOUR CHOICE.
Authorised by Sharon Cousins, 5 Backhouse Rd., Lake Heights NSW 2502 -